Map: Set: |
ETM_S-36-05 Zulu 7 - Mosaic NIR Near Infra Red (15m/pixel) Set of 140 false colour mosaics compiled from Landsat 7 pansharpened scenes (age 1999 to 2002). False colour (infrared) enhances detail and identification of vegetation.
Satellite Imagery |
Source: |
NASA/Earth Satellite Corporation |
Map Details: blank fields are not yet implemented |
Map id: |
51 |
Name: |
Edition: |
Year: |
29° 30' E |
36° 30' E |
05° 0' S |
05° 0' S |
10° 0' S |
10° 0' S
29° 30' E |
36° 30' E |
Datum: |
Projection: |
Resolution: |
Scale: |
WGS 84 | (UTM) Universal Transverse Mercator | 14.24 m/pix | 1:56.000 |
Calibration format: | Image file: |
Image format: |
Map Price: |
OZI | $ | || | S-36-05.sid |
Rand |
MMB: |
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